Whole school

Focus Learning Walk Form 2019
Focus Learning walk template for middle leaders, subject leaders and senior leaders. This simple but structured format allows the observer to make informed judgments on what they have observed. There is also an area for identified actions that can be time scaled, to encourage rapid robust improvements. It also allows you to record and celebrate good and better practice.

Example Primary Teacher Interview Questions 2019
Example Primary Interview Questions 2019
Stand out at your next interview by feeling confident and fully prepared.

Example Teaching Assistant Interview Questions 2019
Be confident and prepared at that all important interview. Be robust and confident when giving your answers. Why not check out our other example questions to get a head start.

School Dog. Reading Dog Policy 2019
Reading Dog / School Dog Policy
Sigmund Freud believed that dogs had a ‘special sense’ that allows them to judge a person’s character accurately—his dog attended all of his therapy sessions. Freud believed that the animal’s presence had a calming influence on all of his patients, especially the children. Similarly, in the early 1960s, Dr. Boris Levinson reported a new step forward in animal-assisted therapy when he found that withdrawn and uncommunicative children would interact more encouragingly whenever he brought his dog, Jingles, to their therapy sessions.
The human-animal bond refers to the strong positive interaction that exists between humans and animals.
The positive impact of this bond is not only considerable but also backed up by scientific data, case studies and hard research—all validating the therapeutic effects of human-animal relationships. These benefits can be emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual and work particularly well in educational environments.

School Dog . School Reading Dog Risk Assessment
School Dog / Reading Dog risk assessment and guidance

Observation Format 2019
Observation format to be used by all leaders compliant with the new Ofsted inspection curriculum.

Governance / Governor Impact Form Ofsted preparation
Governance / Governor Impact Form
Governor Impact form to act as a framework to provide robust and rigorous monitoring by school governors in preparation for Ofsted. This document will allow governors to have a clear understanding of their school to challenge and support. This will allow them to identify gaps that need to diminish and highlight areas of strength.

Subject Leadership Impact Form 2019
Be Ofsted ready as a Subject Leader. This impact form will enable middle leaders and subject leaders to have a robust understanding of their subject across the school. This document will allow them to feel confident when speaking with other school leaders and Ofsted.

Phase 2 Phonics and High Frequency Assessment Sheet
Phase 2 Phonics and High Frequency Assessment Sheet based on letters and sounds.

SEND Impact Form 2019
SEND impact form to demonstrate the impact of first hand quality teaching and diminishing gap through targeted intervention. Can be used to provide evidence for case studies. Ideal form that can be adapted to suit the needs of your school emphasising teacher’s statutory duties for supporting children with SEND.

Example Ofsted questions for teacher 2019
Example list of questions that Ofsted may ask teachers, middle leaders and other leaders
Questions are divided under the three headings:

Recruitment and selection checklist 2019
Recruitment and selection check list in line with safer recruitment guidance.

Staff Meeting The New Ofsted Frame Work Getting Ready September 2019
A powerpoint created and derived from the new Ofsted Inspection Handbook May 2019. A fully prepared staff meeting presentation for SLT, middle leaders and whole school. With helpful tips from an experienced headteacher on how to be ready for your next inspection.

Governor Action Plan
Governor action plan ready to adapt for your school. Ensure your Ofsted ready and check out my other resources.

Peer Coaching Teacher Support Feedback Form 2019
Encourage staff to support each other through peer to peer coaching support to further develop their own teaching skills, raising the quality of learning and so accelerating progress.

Example EYFS Interview Questions 2019
Example EYFS Interview Questions 2019
Stand out at your next interview by feeling confident and fully prepared.

Early Years Leader Example Questions 2019
Be confident and prepared at that all important interview. Be robust and confident when giving your answers. Why not check out our other example questions to get a head start.

School SEND Provision Staff Questionnaire
School SEND Provision Staff Questionnaire
In order to audit the area of SEND in your school you need to understand the knowledge of the staff in this area to underpin the areas for improvement in order to be effective.

Deputy Headteacher Example Interview Questions 2019
Be confident and prepared at that all important interview. Be robust and confident when giving your answers. Why not check out our other example questions to get a head start.